In PowerShell on Windows 10, you cannot change the current culture (locale) with chcp
If you want to launch a new PowerShell process in another culture, once run cmd.exe
from PowerShell, execute chcp
, and launch powershell.exe
from cmd.exe
This is useful when you want to get an error message in en-US culture to ask questions in forums like Stack Overflow.
PS C:\> [Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name ja-JP PS C:\> cmd.exe Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.836] (c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\>chcp 437 Active code page: 437 C:\>powershell.exe Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Try the new cross-platform PowerShell PS C:\> [Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name en-US PS C:\>