Background In SQLite, you can list the name of tables with the .tables command or the following SQL: SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' and name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' Problem You can't list the number of columns of multiple …
Background You will get the following error when you specify over 1000 entries in IN clause in Oracle: ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 This is by design, and the following document says "You can specify up to 100…
背景 OracleでIN句の内容が1000個を超えると以下のエラーが発生する。 ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 これはOracleの仕様で、以下のドキュメントに"You can specify up to 1000 expressions in expression_list."と記載されて…
Context The "Text to DDL" feature on SQL Fiddle generates DDL like below for Oracle 11g R2. CREATE TABLE Table1 ("value1" int) ; INSERT ALL INTO Table1 ("value1") VALUES (1) SELECT * FROM dual ; Problem This ordinal SELECT clasuse returns …
Background Some RDBMS can contain the result of comparison operator in SELECT clause. However, the returned values are different between RDBMS. Result MySQL I used MySQL 5.6 on SQL Fiddle. DDL (MySQL) CREATE TABLE Table1 (`value1` int, `va…